Home Assistant - Control Google Assistant Devices?

Hi All!
Jung answered me back - and they actually suggested our enet component - this may be seen as an aknowledgment of the plugin :+1:

this is what they wrote to me:

Dear Mr. Hostrup,

please excuse the delayed answer. I had to talkt o our developers first. Thank you for your kind request. We highly appreciate your ideas and will discuss them with the responsible development team.


  • Our APIs are not recommended for open usage, community based solutions were not tested by us.

I asked them in a reply - to tell us if they somehow could tell me some more about how to use the transmitters ( the wall switches etc ) - which i am really missing. i havent heard from them yet.

But - have you seen the mediola / home-connect plus integrations?
they both support this.
so i guess somehow it must be possible to gain acces to when a button is pressed.
i played arround with the requestEvents from the visualization - but i havent had any luck.

magnus - do you have any idea if this would be possible somehow?

have a nice evening :slight_smile:

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Hi All!
i just wanted to update all you enet smart home users ( yes we are not many - but we are some ) :slight_smile:

Magnus and i have had quite a breakthrough - in regards to listenning to events from inside the enet controller.

what this means is that we are now able to subscribe to events from buttons - and then react to them in home-assistant. basically this means that - in the future - we can react on button press events - and do something in HA! This is major - and will make the enet solution “feature complete”.

it’s still using http - which means pulling the status from the server - but right now it’s the only viable option.

i have spent alot of time reverse engineering the server software - and
found out that the way it communicates with 3. party services - such as Home Connect Plus / Google / Amazon Alexa - and Mediola - is via Websockets. Like many other IOT devices it connects to a cloud server - and then puts out all events to that server - as well as recieves events. ( WSS is implemented in a two-way manner) - meaning that the “server” ( aws hosted site ) can communicate back and request for control of devices. now i managed to redirect the traffic to my local server - and using websocat - i managed to get the connection - and can actually control my server that way arround + i get all events. this is off course way to “advanced” to use as a HA plugin - because it requires doing alot of tweaking with your network - and sniffing traffic etc.
But - i did ask the Enet Support team - if they would open op - for us end users to change the wss address on the devices. if they agree to this - we can make the plugin work even faster. but thats only plan B.

If anyone is interested in joining in / wants more information - just ask :slight_smile:

br Ronni

Hi All! Thanks a lot for the eNet implementation for home assistant. I’m curious to try it out. I installed it using HACS but I got the following error message:

Does anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/enet/aioenet.py:163
Integration: Enet Smart Home (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 31. Januar 2023 um 22:50:40 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 31. Januar 2023 um 22:55:49

Error setting up entry Enet Smart Home for enet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 382, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/config/custom_components/enet/__init__.py", line 33, in async_setup_entry
    hub.devices = await hub.get_devices()
  File "/config/custom_components/enet/aioenet.py", line 139, in get_devices
    device_locations = await self.get_device_locations()
  File "/config/custom_components/enet/aioenet.py", line 189, in get_device_locations
    locations = await self.get_locations()
  File "/config/custom_components/enet/aioenet.py", line 163, in get_locations
    return result["locations"]
TypeError: 'ClientResponse' object is not subscriptable

Hi Steffen.
it looks like it didn’t log you in to the enet server.
did you get any warnings etc?
and are you sure your username/pw is correct - and that the user
you are using has the right permissions?
br Ronni

Hi Ronni,
you’re right. It was a problem with the log in. I could solve it. I’m happy now to use the enet implementaton in home assistant :slight_smile:

I’m using DVT_ES1Z (Energy detector in SCHUKO housing) von Gira / Jung and was not able to see any values? Is using anybody else this devices?

I also had a look at the home-assistant.log an got some warnings:

2023-02-05 12:24:04.875 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 145, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400004808', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400004832', 'values': [{'value': 862211, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_ACTIVE_ENERGY_-1073741823_1073741823_DEF_0'}]}}
2023-02-05 12:24:30.171 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 146, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401532', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401552', 'values': [{'value': 237568.0, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_VALUE_VOLT_RANGE_0.0_670760.97'}]}}
2023-02-05 12:24:30.283 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 147, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401532', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401554', 'values': [{'value': 1.95, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_VALUE_CURR_RANGE_0.0_670760.97'}]}}
2023-02-05 12:24:30.356 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 148, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401532', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401556', 'values': [{'value': 0, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_VALUE_POWER_-100000_100000'}]}}
2023-02-05 12:24:30.443 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 149, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401532', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401558', 'values': [{'value': 0, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_REACTIVE_POWER_-100000_100000'}]}}
2023-02-05 12:24:30.509 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.enet] Expected 2 values: {'sequenceNumber': 150, 'event': 'outputDeviceFunctionCalled', 'eventData': {'deviceUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b400401532', 'channelNumber': 1, 'deviceFunctionUID': 'd673e299-4ae6-46f9-a6c2-a1b40040155a', 'values': [{'value': 0, 'valueTypeID': 'VT_APPARENT_POWER_0_100000'}]}}

Thanks for any reply

Hi Steffen.
Great that you made it work :).
It’s “rock solid” in my installation to.

I don’t think we have support for that device - because neither Magnus or I use it.
If i understand correctly - it simply a sensor that mesasures the energy right?
because - then it think it should be added as a sensor - based on the energy class.
