Home Assistant crash during adding integration

Hello, I’m trying to install BLE Monitor component on the fresh Home Assistant core installed on the latest Debian Bullseye on my Raspberry Pi 1 b+ (armv6). But as soon I click on the “Add” button, HA crashes with “illegal instruction” error. This is most probably because some of the system libs in Debian are compiled with the wrong architecture, but I can’ t find what is causing this error? Is there a way to narrow down the piece of code that causing it? I’ve already switched logger to “debug” level but still can’t find the root cause? Any suggestions?

Home Assistant is supported on Raspberry Pi 3 and up. The Pi 1 & 2 are not supported,

Figured out, the issue was in pycrptodomex library. Version 3.12.0 crashes on Pi1/ P0 "Illegal instruction" on armv6l / RaspberryPI Zero · Issue #585 · Legrandin/pycryptodome · GitHub