Home Assistant crashes after a few minutes?

Home Assistant crashes afer a few minutes and gives me this error in the commandline:

It would be very nice if someone could help me

I looks like your storage has an issue.

Please don’t post pictures of logs.

Your drive (hard, ssd or sd) is broken.

Normally I’d agree with this vehemently. However it can be difficult to copy/paste from a crashed system.

You don’t say what hardware you are using or how you are installing Home Assistant, but the last line leads me to think that it is a Raspberry Pi and your SD card is failing.

Or your power supply is insufficient.

The sd card is not given the device sda. It is more likely a hard drive (including ssd in that term).

Yes that is true.

Good catch. I haven’t used a Raspberry in a couple of years. In fact it was an SD failure that got me to switch to a NUC.