Home assistant Crashing

Hello all,

My home assistant is rebooting severall times a day.
I have already reinstalled everything but still the same.
I have an Raspberry pi 3b+

I can see my supervisor with some erros like this:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 326, in async_supervisor_event
    await self.async_send_message(
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 268, in async_send_message
    await self._client.close()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'
24-03-03 18:19:39 ERROR (MainThread) [asyncio] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-24189' coro=<HomeAssistantWebSocket.async_supervisor_event() done, defined at /usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py:321> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 266, in async_send_message
    await self._client.async_send_command(message)
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 94, in async_send_command
    return await self._futures[message["id"]]
supervisor.exceptions.HomeAssistantWSConnectionError: Connection was closed

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 326, in async_supervisor_event
    await self.async_send_message(
  File "/usr/src/supervisor/supervisor/homeassistant/websocket.py", line 268, in async_send_message
    await self._client.close()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close'

My processor use is this:

The memory usage is this:

What can be causing this?
Any hint?

Please see
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Do your your crash times corollate with the memory processor spike times and the errors in the supervisor log?

Are you sure (how do you know) it’s not a hardware problem (power supply, etc.)?

Hello @MaxK,

Actually i have this chart comparing processor use and memory, where we can see that the when the memory rises the processor use get higher.

Also the system check of the voltage is always given information that:

Logger: homeassistant.components.rpi_power.binary_sensor
Source: components/rpi_power/binary_sensor.py:55
Integration: Raspberry Pi Power Supply Checker (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:14:14 (35 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:16:49

Under-voltage was detected. Consider getting a uninterruptible power supply for your Raspberry Pi.

Regarding the under voltage i cant see how, because i have a 60W power on it.

Power supplies can fail. Try another power supply.

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I really dont know what might be happening:

How can i debug this?


Three months later and you ask the same thing? Have you tried anything?

Oddly enough, you are getting an undervoltage message and someone suggested a new PS.

What did I miss here?

i have changed the power suplly but keep getting the message.
I have an original power source.
Could it be the RPi3 damaged?
Now i get reboots in cicles precise almost.

Do I smell another failing SD card?

This is my try this list.
1: bad SD card, backup, replace it with a industrial class 10 one or better an SSD
2: The last one I advised like this was actually an SSD that failed, it rattled when he picked it up. So it could be that, lesser chance.
3: if you are using an SSD and it doesn’t rattle, make sure it’s on an externally powered usb hub. Your under voltage, assuming an SSD direct connected could be the SSD sucking the power from that supply.
4: if none of that seems to apply, try this so see if you have a bad custom_integration messing you. 2024.5+: Tracking down instability issues caused by integrations

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I’m not using SD card.
I have an SSD.
I will try to get a cable to power it externally to test.

Thanks for the hint.

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I always got an undervoltage on my Pii, despite several power supplies tried, until I installed some heat sinks. Never got them any more.

I dont think its the temperature because its really low:

Isn’t it?

Yes, that looks OK

How can i diagnosys such a ciclic pattern?
