Home Assistant Dashboard for Lilygo T5 4.7 Inch E-Paper Display

I got to know about cheap Lilygo T5 4.7 Inch E-Paper Display recently and ordered one to build a dashboard for my HA instance. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find any decent project to use and thought of building one from scratch.

The board manufacturer provides library to work with but after little bit of research I went with EPDiy library so it can be ported to any supported e-ink/e-paper display. Its functionality is really simple, you need to define the HA entities you need to monitor and E-paper display would query the HA API and update the dashboard accordingly.

If you are interested please clone and start building yours. Please refer to github documentation for more details.


Beautiful project, in aliexpress they sell the touch part for that screen directly, which is no longer if with the library to use you can take advantage of it.

I just stumbled upon this post. I have the same display AND the touchscreen. I’m quite keen to setup a dashboard with buttons. I just don’t know where to start with the touchscreen integration as my knowledge on these things is pretty limited. Happy to do some testing if someone can provide the details.

Great project and great start. Thank you for sharing the project.

I’ve forked the project and added/changed some details, including deep sleep (to run on battery) and some layout changes. Feel free to have a look:



Hi Hacksics,

First of all, many thanks for sharing the project. This is one of the few projects that I managed to get to work quite fast, for someone who’s isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to programming.

I’m wondering - Is there a way to replace the 3rd row with more haFloatSensors? For example, I want to show more temperature and power consumption metrics on the eink display. Can you point me in the right direction on how to change this?

Many thanks,


This is amazing, and is exactly what I’m looking for. Do you know how long have you been able to run the dashboard with battery power alone?