Home-assistant.db is corrupt


In my config folder I have several files with the extension .db. for some it is based on corrupt. the file size is large. can i delete all those marked in red or do i lose my history data? what does .db-wal and .db-shm mean?

Thank you
Greeting Stephan

I have deleted my home-assistant_v2.db* files a few times when things got wacky. A restart of HA will build a new one. You will of course lose your past data. I recommend shutting down HA first before you do the deletions.

Hi there,

I suspect that I can delete the corrupt files? The size doesn’t change either. If I leave the home-assistant_v2.db, should the sensor data remain? the corrupt files are already very large.

Many greetings

Yes you can. They are not used anymore.

My HA has got very slow and I found the following file in my config folder. I shut down HA and tried to delete it with my explorer. In explorer I see a new, small file, but it is still popping up.
Can anyone give me a hint what to do?
