Home Assistant DB still very large after adding the recorder in config.yaml

I added the recorder to the yaml config file to have

Purge_keep_days: 1
Purge_interval: 1

But for some reason the .db file is still huge (2.2GB). How can this be? What do i have to do? Delete it and make a new one?

Have you been restarting HA every day?

The purge timer resets every time you restart.

Consider adding some exclude options to the recorder, so that you are only recording what you actually need to, https://www.home-assistant.io/components/recorder/#exclude

Also run a purge manually using the option in the develop tab and see where you land. I got mine down from 7Gb to 500Mb, admittedly that 7Gb was a few months worth of data as I hadn’t enabled the recorder function.

I’m having the same issue. Mine was set to 2 and 5 and was about 8 gbs.
I would notice after a week or so HA would slow down a bit…my cameras would need to be refreshed every time I wanted to view them and so on.
I just changed to 1 and 1 like you posted.
I think I will start excluding too, but will wait a couple days to see the size of the database after it runs through the schedule.