Home Assistant Desktop (macOS, Windows and Linux) - quick and easy access to HA

Windows 10 Home
Version 21H2

Unfortunately I can’t access the menu in your screenshot which is part of the problem I have. The icon is there but right clicking it does nothing and double clicking is the same result.

I’ve tried deleting the folder found in %AppData\Roaming\homeassistant-desktop% and reinstalling a few times and still has the same result.

Is there anywhere else files or configs may be hiding? I semi suspect it’s a messed up file somewhere that was left behind also but I haven’t been able to find it anywhere.

Under %AppData\Local\homeassistant-desktop-updater% it has an installer file and a pending folder with the old 1.4.10 installer from 11/22/2021 that I haven’t deleted yet but it just has the old installer lingering there.

Hi @xvlw

There is a new version, can you try it and if it doesn’t work again please send me the error log from %appdata%\homeassistant-desktop\logs directory

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Ok downloaded and ran v1.5.0-win.exe

Error log below. I closed and opened it twice to make sure it logged.

Prior to installing I uninstalled the previous version and manually deleted the folder in %AppData\Roaming\homeassistant-desktop

[2022-09-06 15:53:08.222] [info]  homeassistant-desktop started
[2022-09-06 15:53:08.228] [info]  Platform: win32
[2022-09-06 15:53:08.296] [info]  Checking for update
[2022-09-06 15:54:15.335] [info]  homeassistant-desktop started
[2022-09-06 15:54:15.339] [info]  Platform: win32
[2022-09-06 15:54:15.391] [info]  Checking for update

Same problem persists for me.

Also to note, in the last 10 days I also reinstalled Windows and started fresh due to a long overdue SSD upgrade. The problem I have now existed before and after the fresh Windows install.

Is it possible I’m missing something else in Windows to make the app run?

I see you posted it to github. Do you want me to open a ticket on the github vs taking over this thread?

I didn’t see any problem in your log and unfortunately at this point I don’t know how to reproduce your problem.
I tested the app on a Win 10 VM and on my Win 11 PC and both work fine.

I have 1.4.10 installer if anyone want :slight_smile:

Thank you @iprodanov! Are you going to maintain the project from now on?

I think its now managed here - GitHub - iprodanovbg/homeassistant-desktop: :control_knobs: Desktop application (Windows / macOS / Linux) for Home Assistant built with Electron

Was updated 21 days ago and under release its on 1.5.0 - Release 1.5.0 · iprodanovbg/homeassistant-desktop · GitHub

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it says its Searching for Home Assistant Desktop.exe
whats that and does anyone know what to do

@twanjaarsveld I had the same behavior. I fixed it by installing the proper version for my CPU architecture. I’m on x86_64, but I had accidentally downloaded the arm64 binary. When you go to “Releases” on the github repo, you need to select “Show all 24 assets” to reveal the rest of the binaries, then choose the right one for your architecture (for x86_64 you’ll want win-x64)

Yes I will try to maintain the project and anyone who wants to help can contribute to the project.

As @roms mentions, you need to download the correct version for your CPU architecture


it works perfect now

Funnily after doing some research on GitHub I ended up at GitHub - iprodanovbg/homeassistant-desktop: 🎛 Desktop application (Windows / macOS / Linux) for Home Assistant built with Electron too.

Only came back here to thank you @iprodanov for keeping up the good work!

Updated from former v1.4.1 to new current v1.5.1 on the first Windows machine and it simply keeps on working.

Only one question left: why there’s no “issues” section in that GitHub project?

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As there’s no issues section on GitHub and no answer to why (see previous post), here’s an issue report for GitHub - iprodanovbg/homeassistant-desktop: 🎛 Desktop application (Windows / macOS / Linux) for Home Assistant built with Electron @iprodanov for latest version v1.5.1


Sometimes the app seems to loose connection to HA server, e. g. after restoring the endpoint system from hibernate or when restarting HA. HA Desktop presents with this screen:

When clicking “Reconnect”, the app crashes. Needs to be started again manually. Not sure how to provide debug logs, there’s no event record in Windows.


The same problem happen and on my Mac when my network device restart but I still don’t have a solution.

Definitely something brought in

  • either with one of the HA releases the last months
  • or with one of the latest HA Desktop versions after former stable v1.4.1 (which didn’t have this behavior: clicking reconnect did actually just reconnect and not crash the whole application)

Feels like some debugging might be needed, right?

I was eager to reuse this application again, only to discover it is no longer maintained and has issues. Extremely happy to see that @iprodanov stepped in to support the project, which runs flawlessly. Many thanks!


I have exactly the same problem…! :frowning:

me too actually.

Great app :+1:

No fixes for the “Not available” problem?