I’ve been having this problem a bunch, and it seems to happen after I’ve left hass running without a restart for a while. I’m running on a RaspberryPi, and I’m wondering if it’s due to how slow writing can be on a Pi. Right now I’m just leaving mine running to see how long it will go, and if it’s really stalled or just slow. We’re up to 20 minutes so far.
I am seeing something similar - I am running hass as a service and sometimes a shutdown or restart hangs until I kill the process then it starts up again, usually with no issues., A couple of times I believe this may have corrupted my ZWave config for a device. forcing me to remove and re-add it.
After spending a bunch of time with HA on a dev box, I’m pretty sure my issues are just due to the fact that my pi is old and slow. It’s a Pi 1. The VM I’m using for dev has no such issues, even if I leave it running for days. I think I just need to spend the $35 on the Pi 3 and be done with it.