It doesn’t even try to get the variables via the JSON-RPC API. It uses the method where no username and password are required, which only works when using Homegear. Are you sure you have properly set up a username and password on the CCU2? And also added those to the host-part of your configuration parameters?
Edit: The XML-API is only used to resolve device names (turn QEQ123456 to Waschmaschine). But that’s optional since the same can be done via JSON-RPC, and every CCU2 can do that without any modification and just a user to authenticate.
That’s the usual CCU bug. I have added a possible workaround for that in the latest If you don’t use hassio you could replace that file and see if it solved the problem for you.
The fix described above is meant for the CCU. You have to enable SSH access in the settings of the CCU and then follow the steps. You don’t have to change anything at your HA-configuration. At the point where you are you already get everything you need, but with the buggy output. So all you need to do is apply the patch. Afterwards everything should be working.
And the CCU bug is exactly the reason why you just get the 0 (number of service messages). The CCU bug prevents HA from getting the variables.
Sorry, then I don’t get the point how to proceed. Because I already was on my CCU2 via SSH.
This would be the steps I would do:
Login to the CCU via SSH (I use WinSCP and start a terminal) => DONE
Type in the terminal the command “mound -o remount,rw /” => DONE
What should I do now? nicx’s link contains a patch file “0025-WebUI-Fix-JSON-Response.patch” and the original as well as the modified “json.tcl” file. Do I have to copy the patch to somewhere on the CCU via SSH and replace my CCU’s “json.tcl” by the modified one from the link? But where do I find that?
Do I have to start the patch file? How?
Type in the terminal the command “mound -o remount,ro /”
Thanks for the feedback. Everything is working fine now!
Just for others having the same issues:
my json.tcl file was located here on my CCU2: /www/api/eq3/json.tcl
=> I just removed the two lines mentioned by “ich777”, that’s it!
after my CCU reboot three climate thermostats didn’t provide a status anymore (current temp., active program [man, auto, boost]) but I could access them via CCU’s device settings. The solution: Just delete the respective devices in the CCU and start the learn procedure again as you had to do initially. That’s it, the devices are working fine again!