Home assistant doesn't register when my google Tv is paused

I have an automation with my TV that is supposed to dim the lights when the tv is playing and raise the brightness when it’s paused. It will register when the tv is playing but not when it pauses. If i try to pause the TV in the home assistant app it gives me a failed to perform action error. I have another google TV in the house that this works fine on. Any help would be greatly appcrieated. Thanks so much.

Would be helpful to see your automation to help diagnose the issue. I have a similar one with Roku that works great.

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What action?
Look at the logs.

Posting your card code would help us help you.

Here is the Automation.

This confuses me as well the other TV when it’s turned off says off. My living room TV always says unavailable. I have to be missing something dumb.

You should figure out why it’s showing as unavailable first. Does it show when it’s on or playing media? Or is it unavailable all the time? It really will come down to what state it’s showing when playing, paused etc.

So right now it’s playing and it’s even saying netflix. But when it’s on it always looks like this. It registers when it’s playing. But when you try to pause it you get this error.

Can you play and pause it with your regular remote (or however you control it) and then paste the logbook entry for that entity so we can see the states? That might help to diagnose what it’s doing.

I can control it with the regular remote. Here is the logbook. Not much there. It registers when it is playing and turns off. Once it turns off it becomes unavailable.

Change your automation to entity IDs instead of device IDs.
Device IDs will just cause chaos later and it makes it unreadable already.

Post a print out of the entity in developer tools’s state tab too.

Rather than HASS not registering what the TV is doing, it seems far more likely that the TV simply isn’t telling HASS what it is doing. Unless both TVs are exactly the same manufacturer and model (and ideally with factory fresh settings) there are no guarantees that they will behave the same.

There probably also are many different HASS integrations available using different methods to communicate with the TV, i.e. one integration specifically for Android TV, another for Google Cast, a third for Android Debug Bridge (ADB), etc. Are you using the exact same integration with the exact same configuration? If one integration does not provide the data you need, try a different integration.


They are different TVs. One is actually a chrome case the other is a Phillips TV with Google TV. So I’m wondering if there is a setting on the TV I need to change.