Home Assistant don't find any Homematic Devices

Hi, i am currently do a migrate from fhem to Home Assistant. So i’m on my very early learnings and have a problem with the integration .

The Basics:

Raspberry Pi3
Home Assistant OS
installed Raspberrymatic → works, i found a test HM device and i can work with it.
Installed HACS, with installed Homematic(IP) Local
And found it on Devices, but NO integration of my HM Device.

Look at the Pictures, at the end it fails to show the devices. Ports are Open and reachable.

Can someone give me a Way to the Solution?


Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-23 um 19.01.45

Don’t know what this custom integration does but Homematic is part of core. You can just setup a connection by following the instructions:


Did you restart HA once? Sometimes this is still needed with the new integration. If this will not help, just ask directly here: https://github.com/danielperna84/hahomematic/issues

This HACS one is from Daniel & Co. as well and is and will most probably be the better successor of the current core integration.


yes, i restarted it a couple of times :slight_smile:

No, i didn’t follow the guide, because of what i read is, that the integration goes automatic…

anyway, thx. i will ask in the specified forum.