Home Assistant don't show the real status off the Sonoff

Hello everyone,

First off all, I’m new to Home Assistant. I have hass.io running on my raspberry pi3. Yesterday, I configured mqtt,samba,ssh and duckdns. Today I flashed tasmota on two Sonoff S20 with success. Now, on home assistant, some times it work and some times it dont work well. Some times, for example, I turn on the S20, then it show me sonoff S20 is off, but its on. And some times I can change the stauts. I change, but it back again to the previous status. And some times it work well without problem. I have latest version of HA and latest firmware on tasmota. Why it’s happening?
NOTE: This happen on both Sonoffs

Please remember I’m new, and explain me what should I do with steps that I can understant. Thanks

I can’t help with MQTT as I don’t use it, but have a couple of Tasmota (one Sonoff and one LinkNode) connected to Hassio. They work fine when you emulate a Hue. It s a setting in Tasmota.

Hi. Theres a bug. If I have the hassio server down, it does what I set in PoweOnState. If I have hassio runing, for example, if its on and I remove it from the wall, it keeps showing that its turned on on hassio. It should happen with you too