Home Assistant<->Google Assistant - Add Sensor and Binary Sensor exposed domains

As I understand it, Google now accepts sensors in Google Assistant. Would like to be able to expose both binary and standard sensor domains to Google Assistant.

@balloob opened an issue about this. But still in progress. :cry:
See : https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22676

I would like to give a try but I’m really far from being able to do that…

I saw that queryOnlyTemperatureSetting is available on TemperatureSettings trait so temperature sensor can be implemented as a thermostat with queryOnlyTemperatureSetting attribute.

The sensor trait action.devices.devices.Sensor is not officially available and there is no docs about the attributes and the sensor trait action.devices.traits.Sensor :frowning:

EDIT : I made a PR to add temperature sensor : https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/24264 :slight_smile:
The action.devices.devices.Sensor is not ready yet (I did reverse engineering this afternoon but impossible to have a working query). I commited my work here : https://github.com/piitaya/home-assistant/commit/689ef613da5a573515fe4424c485fc86f5cde98f

Merged and will be in 0.94!

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For me it still does not work, as I do not try, no way to add sensors in Google Home, all the time the sensor is displayed without values with a shield on the icon, and when asked what the temperature, the assistant says he does not know how to help. Is there any way to solve this?