Home Assistant Google Backup Full

I’ve been using Home Assistant for 3-4 years now and have been running the Google Drive backup without issue until recently I noticed some errors that my Google Drive is full and backups can’t complete.
Upon investigation, I think that the culprit is that I recently setup Frigate (HA Addon Type) and the recordings are in the same folder, which would explain the G Drive space issue.
I’ve gone through the Media folder and deleted most of the recordings and events but this is not a sustainable practice.
Is there some way I can exclude these from the Google Drive backup job? I think the method of using Frigate as an addon limits me from having the recordings dumped to some other storage location.
Help appreciated.

How many backups do you have (need) ? I have set my backups (HA and Google Drive to 12 daily backups, which is more than enough for me.

In the settings for Google Drive Backup you can unselect to backup the Media folder.

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