Home Assistant Green with hardware issues (running hot!)

Hello everyone!

This is my first post on the forum, and unfortunately, it’s to describe a problem.
My Home Assistant Green is giving me issues. I live in Madrid (Spain) where we have high temperatures. I’m away from home, but for the past few days, my HA has been going down. I’m receiving an NSURLErrorDomain -1200 error. I’ve managed to have a family member go to my house a couple of times to turn the device off and back on. Each time, the connection was restored, but it was lost again after a few hours. The first time, my family member mentioned that the device felt very hot (this had never happened before). I tried restoring to a stable version 2024.7, but the problem reappeared.
My first question: has anyone else experienced this?
And the second: how do I contact support to request a solution while the device is still under warranty? I can’t seem to find a way to do this on the website! :frowning:

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

I would start with some troubleshooting steps to determine why the system is crashing:

The Home Assistant Cookbook - Index.

Doing a search, this seems to be a network problem.

Hi MaxK

Thank you for your time! I’ve done some basic research and haven’t found any helpful info regarding this error. From what you’ve read, do you think that it could be an issue with my router or some other kind of problem not strictly related with my HA?
I’m sorry my technical knowledge is very limited!


I am guessing that the NSURLErrorDomain-1200 is a network error - I do not know the cause. I am also guessing that it may or may not be related your system crashing - these could be two separate issues.

The system crashes may have corrupted your SD card and could be causing more crashes. You may want to consider resetting your home assistant green (be sure to have a backup of your system safely stored on another pc).

Thank you for this suggestion. I’ll try that :slight_smile:
