Home Assistant & Homekit not working when not connected to wifi

Dear All,
I hope this is the proper section for this kind of request. I installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry PI 4, using it as a bridge to have all my devices available in my iOS HomeKit.
When I’m home (connected to Wifi), everything is working perfecly.
When I’m away (or in general not connected to Wifi), HomeKit is not able to see any device anymore.
At the beginning everything worked in these 2 scenarios, but maybe I did some mistake in some configuration (I installed HACS and SSH & Web terminal).
Can you help me in making it work also when I’m away?

Thanks for your understanding.

Are you able to connect to your home assistant instance while away from home via the app or the web interface?

Please be sure to install all updates, and as with most things, a reboot will likely help!

Home Assistant is working fine from home and from remote
Homekit is working fine from home but it’s not working from remote

Do you have a device that functions as a HomeKit hub when you are not at home? (e.g. tablet or AppleTV)

I am having this same issue. Just moved from Supervised Docker the HA container and now my Homekit won’t work when I’m off the home’s wifi. Google home and HA app still shows the devices are available and controllable. Also: my wife can’t control the devices via HK when connected to the wifi but Google Home works (she doesn’t have the HA app).

I’m not sure what changed in my configuration. Did you have any luck resolving this on your end?