Home Assistant hosted NUT server - Qnap as Slave

I have NUT server running as add-in in HA. Everything related to the UPS seems to be working great.
I have a Qnap on my network that I’d like to talk to this server. I’ve gone through forms and seems I just needed to adjust my HA NUT options, changed the user to admin and password to 123456.
But the Qnap doesn’t appear to be populating the details from NUT.
Looking in Log on HA for NUT addin I see nothing related to the Qnap trying to connect and then failing. Qnap logs don’t indicate any problem (but all they really show is that I changed the UPS settings)…
Anyone have ideas I could try?

Fixed it. Was actually answered on another thread already

It’s under Network. I THOUGHT that was if I wanted to DISABLE the port from working that was already used. Turns out it’s to allow that port to map through to the wider network, outside the container…