Home Assistant ignores min and max values from dimmer

I have 3 Moes dimmer in my setup.
I set the max and min values for my lamp but these values are ignored in Home Assistant.
If I use the Dashboard and the scale of 0-100% I can see that 100% is always above the max value.

I also opened up a github issue, but I don’t know which information is missing.


The problem still persists. Help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

HA doesn’t support this. HA discovery json light schema doesn’t support min or max truncating of brightness.

thanks! is there no way that the % scale for dimming can be adjusted to the min and max values?

If you manually provide the MQTT discovery information, you can do anything you want with the light and templates. The scale is just a scale, it will always just scale the value.

how can I provide them manually?

Through YAML.