Home Assistant in Docker Network


I am planning to build Unraid server and install two dockers: Plex Server and Home Assistant

If I put Home Assistant into Docker Network (subnet made by Docker), will HA features work normally like Z-Wave USB stick, Discovery etc.?

Z-Wave USB stick will be connected to the server and how to make it accessable for HA only (for network security reasons).

I wonder, is it worth to play with docker network on server with Z-Wave stick to increase security?

no. use --net=host

This doesn’t really make sense. Z-Wave and the Docker network really don’t have anything to do with each other.

Some people advice to seperate IoT network by subnet. Will docker network do the trick without compromising the HA features and integrity with other devices out of subnet?

No. If you want automated discovery it needs to reside on the same network as your devices. Just put it on host.

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And without discovery, am I be able to setup devices from different subnet just knowing their IP?


I run all my sensors and cameras on a special VLAN, and all my other stuff in my regular network. My Home Assistant runs on my regular network with firewall rules to allow the special VLAN devices to communicate.

But putting home assistant in a separate VLAN from your regular devices will be a pain for a lot of things.

Have you published config yaml files to see some examples of you HA and devices integrations?

I don’t publish my configs publicly. I don’t think they would be very sexy. All my automation is done through Node Red.