Home Assistant in QNap With Supervisor

Hi, i’m trying to install HA in my QNap (X86), but in all cases the “Supervisor” feature is missing.

Somebody can help me?

If I’m not mistaken you don’t get supervisor when installing using a docker container.

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Rockets is correct, the only way to get the Supervisor is to use Home Assistant OS, which in your case would require a virtual machine.

Which Qnap?

Anyways there are a couple of ways to get HA into your Qnap. But if your Qnap box could do virtual machine, that would be the easiest route.
(Home Assistant OS as an VM in the Qnap box)

So if you search the forum there are a couple of threads. Read them through; should be helpful:

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Than you guys! I was using Virtual Machine on QNap, but yesterday after start this topic i found what i am looking for, the Supervisor was not in main tab anymore, now i can find it under settings.

Ah OK, so this is about UI changes in recent revisions.

Yes the dev is trying to streamline the UI a bit… the “Supervisor” as an menu item on the sidebar indeed does not communication much from the standpoint of us regular end users.