Home Assistant installing issues on Synology DS212

Hi guys!

I’m newbie in 3 things : home automation, linux and this forum :slight_smile: Last thing i’m french so like every french my english is bad, sorry about that :wink: !

I got a Synology DS212, and i’m currently running Domoticz. I want to go on Home assistant so i followed this well knowed tuto :https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/synology/ .

I got stucked on this specific part :
./python3 -m pip install homeassistant==0.64.3

and got this error :

Command "/volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/bin/python3 -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-install-dd6ac6vx/multidict/setup.py';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-record-qj_xt434/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-dd6ac6vx/multidict/ 

I can’t run HA with Docker because of my old DS212 so… would someone help me please?

Thanks a lot

what version of Python are you running? try this

python3 -V

Also 0.64.3 is a rather old version…

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Thanks for the answer,

I’m running Python 3.5.1.

And i’m running 0.64.3 because of Synology, i put the avertissement below:
"Synology only provide Python 3.5.1, which is not compatible with Home Assistant 0.65.0 or later. Until Synology offer an updated version of Python, Home Assistant 0.64 is the most recent version that will be able to be installed. You can manually specify the version of Home Assistant to install, for example to install version 0.64.3 you would do ./python3 -m pip install homeassistant==0.64.3 "

Thanks for the answer,

I’m running Python 3.5.1.

And i’m running 0.64.3 because of Synology, i put the avertissement below:
"Synology only provide Python 3.5.1, which is not compatible with Home Assistant 0.65.0 or later. Until Synology offer an updated version of Python, Home Assistant 0.64 is the most recent version that will be able to be installed. You can manually specify the version of Home Assistant to install, for example to install version 0.64.3 you would do ./python3 -m pip install homeassistant==0.64.3 "

I wish I could be of more help, I’ve had a look at my old Synology 413 and it’s also running the same version of Python as you, 3.5.1

I tried to get HA to install on it a while ago and it didn’t work for me either. Domoticz works OK however, that doesn’t need Python. I use a Raspberry Pi to run HA, as it has Python v3.7

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Hi, I’ve got Home Assistant working in a Synology docker with the latest version. See this page for instructions:

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Unfortunately my synology DS212 is cannot support Docker… I have to intall HA directly on DSM