Home Assistant ios application jamming


I’ve been using Hassio for a while now and started straight away with the lovelace. I controlled Hassio first using browser (Safari on iPhone 7) and it worked great (fast response too).

Now I have started playing with Node-Red and want to have notification sent to my phone, which is why I started using the Home Assistant ios app. At first it seemed to work fine and I got the notifications working, but soon noticed that the application gets stuck now and then. For example, I’ve got to pages defined, Climate and Lights, and sometimes it just doesnt change the page. At that point none of the functionalities in the page work either. I can still open the menu and press Overview or press refresh in the bottom of the app to refresh the app in order to recover.

Has anyone faced the same or could this be somehow related to my lovelace configuration? On the otherhand it works on web browser…
