Home Assistant is #2 as took second place at GitHub "State of the Octoverse" 2020

Congrats Home Assistant! Just seen this piece of news which I am not sure was is generally known yet:


Home Assistant has now been listed in GitHub “State of the Octoverse” 2020 report as it took second place in this year’s Top-10 list of the Python packages with most active contributors (with 8,162 unique contributors during 2020).


Check out “2020-community-report.pdf” from https://octoverse.github.com/static/2020-reports.zip

Similarly, in 2019 “State of the Octoverse” GitHub listed Home Assistant as the tenth biggest open source project on GitHub based on the total number of active contributions that year.

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That’s amazing! Go Team!!

But I gotta ask… who took first place?

TensorFlow took first flace (as well as tenth place) → GitHub - tensorflow/tensorflow: An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

PyTorch took third-place so AI/ML is dominating this year → GitHub - pytorch/pytorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration

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