Home Assistant is not saving my "default dashboard" setting. Have I broken a file somewhere that is causing this?

Hello all. Can someone help me correct the subject situation. This has been going on for a bit and I just now have taken the time to ask for some assistance on possibly correcting the situation. Thank you all for any input you can give!!

Do you have more than 1 dashboard?

I do. I have 4.

Overview is the normal (default), but you’ve change the default to MI Casa. Also you’ve disable it from being shown in the side bar.

So when you talk default, which one are you referring to?

Agreed on all. But for some reason when I restart HA, it goes back to overview. Its almost like I’ve blewout a file somewhere and it doesn’t remember my default dashboard setting. This doesn’t seem to happen with any other settings.

You didn’t answer my question, which one is not saving? the Overview or the MI Casa?

Google can not saving my custom dashboard as default in Home Assistant.

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I apologize. When I change it to “Mi Casa”, It won’t save. Mi Casa is a dwains dashboard dashboard.

Oh, well then that’s my answer. I did not realize that. Chrome won’t save a newly selected dashboard as default?

Can you recommend a more trustworthy browser for home assistant. I have a feeling some other issues I’m running into are browser related after this conversation.

The only other browsers I know and trust are Firefox, Edge, and Safari there are many but I do not know about security or functional they are.

I follow you. As soon as I opened edge up, it showed that it hadn’t save. Thank you for your help!!