Home Assistant is starting, please wait... since hours

I think this qualifies as an installation issue.
I am stuck on Home Assistant is starting, please wait... since hours. On the log in the console I case see a few complains about Unable to install package pyipp==0.10.1 and Unable to install package python-miio==, but this seems to be too little of a problem to not being able to access the ovewiew page.

Please note I had installed previously on python 3.5 the latest version available (0.96) via pip and then I have moved to what I considered a recent python3, that is python3.7 on my raspberry pi running debian stretch. Then I installed again from pip. I read people complains that even python 3.8 is too old … am I too far behind with python? still puzzles me that I cannot install a decently working thing via pip …

Please note I have removed all changes I had made to my python3.5 configuration.yaml just to make sure.

You need at least Python 3.9

Ahahaha, where is this written? any “requirements” file or section I have missed?

I’m wrong. From version 2022.1 it will be necessary to update python to 3.9. So still 2 months to go with 3.8

A full upgrade of my system might break it. A compilation of python 3.8 did not work already months ago, so I was wondering if I may install the latest version compatible with python 3.70. So I ask again where is the minimal python version posted? what kind of readme or doc? I do not find it anywhere and even more surprising my pip on python 3.7 is installing a version of home-assistant that should not be installed? (as you implied that 3.9 was needed).

Let me stress that on the python3.5 provided by Debian 8 Stretch I was able to run home assistant, it was just to old to work with the Android app. So I’d be glad if anyone could suggest a version that supports python 3.7 and the latest Android app.

Just in case, I am trying also the docker version, but the image seems to crash and I have not understood what is the problem (I am also new to docker).

Thanks for any suggestions.

I see that my pip has installed version 0.112.5, which is prior to python 3.7 deprecation in 0.116 so I think I have to disagree with your original reply. My installation is probably stuck for other reasons. I still ask for help to figure out why it is stuck … (meanwhile trying to compile python 3.8)

What errors do you get ?

Only errors were

FYI, compilation did go through and now I am running the latest version. Trying 3.10 now, but it complains about ssl, another story …