Home Assistant Kodi Addon (HAKA!)

The addon is updated to version 1.2.0, available on github and in the Kodi Addon repo soon.

  • Camera support (view picture of HA camera’s)
  • Fan support (toggle)
  • Fixed issue: Crash when friendly name is not available

Hello what about this plugin? is it still maintained?

Not really. I’m not using Kodi as my primary tvbox anymore. Did check this week if it was still working. Seems to be ok still. Why you’re asking?

Just because I really like it and I upgraded to Nexus on Libreelec. So far so good, it is working fine, thanks

I would love to use this addon. Is it still active? I just can’t get it working as frankly the token keys are just too long and it’s impossible to get that pigeon into my librelec via Qr code etc… I run librelec. The addon is not available for this? Is there anyway around the need to generate such a long and abstract token? eg is L an l ?? etc etc

You can use the Kodi web interface to copy the token from your HA profile page into the input dialog which appears on the kodi web interface when you open the token setting in the addon.

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Can you explain me how I am able to do so as I just enabled the web interface of Kodi (20.3.0) and I cannot find a way to enter settings of any add-on.
I find the Add-on’s but there is no setting button that allows me to enter the configuration of HAKA.

There is no setting in the web-interface itself but the moment you open the setting in kodi (let say on your TV), an input box should appear in your web interface.

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WOW ! yes it did as soon as I select the Long Life Token Field an input field pops up on the website.

OK I would not have figured that out myself. Briljant though !
Thanks for the quick support and thanks for this plugin I love it !

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