Hi there guys. I have been running Home Assistant for a while now without any issues at all. I could connect both locally and via nabu casa, without any issues. However, this morning I updated HA core and thereafter I can access my HA via nabu casa but not locally. My brain feel fried, cannot think what the problem can be. Any advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
You can not connect to <ip>:8123
with either http:// or https:// in front of it?
Are you sure that HA have the IP address you think ? Check the IP information in the network setinng page in HA.
Check the output on the monitor on the HA server/VM also.
Are you using the MDNS address (homeassistant.local) or the IP address?
Wow, I thought it was “just me” but decided to query and found this post.
Same problem - can’t connect through local URL (port 8123, http not https) but can through NabuCasa. The address is in my browser history and bookmarked so I know it’s not a change in that.
HA is running on a VM and appears to be otherwise mostly fine.
There’s a Reddit post about a year ago regarding a similar issue
Turns out that the local URL for HA changed (how I don’t know).
From NabuCasa connection to HA, went to Settings → Network → Home Assistant URL → Local network