Home Assistant lost Connection to FRITZ!Box

Hi, I use Home Assistant 2023.5.3, Supervisor 2023.04.1, Operating System 10.1 and Frontend 20230503.3 - latest. I have Problems with the Integration “AVM FRITZ!SmartHome”. The integration lost after a different time the connection to the AVM FRITZ!Box 7590 with FRITZ!OS 7.50. When searching for a solution, I found this on GitHub, but the problem should be solved. It is not in my case. So the last thing I found some minutes ago in the logs are:

Logger: pyfritzhome.fritzhome 
Source: components/fritzbox/coordinator.py:59 
First occurred: 09:13:16 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 09:13:16
404 Client Error: Not Found for url: http://192.168.x.x/login_sid.lua

But when I used the IP in my browser, the FRITZ!Box opens the login page. Most I only have to restart Home Assistant to solve. As an alternative, I could type in the password again.

For information, my network based on Unifi with a UDM Pro, Unifi OS 3.0.20. Home Assistant is installed on a Proxmox VE as an OVA in the management network, the FRITZ!Box stays in another “Family” network. The routing is actually not interrupted between these networks.

Really? Three weeks and over 60 viewings later, not a single answer? I can’t believe that no one else has or had a similar problem and can contribute something to the solution.
That would be the second really lousy experience I’ve had with Home Assistant when it comes to problems.

Current status is now Home Assistant 2023.6.0, Supervisor 2023.06.1 and Operating System 10.2, but the error is still there. At least once a day AVM Smarthome wants to have login data, whereas a simple restart of Home Assistant is enough. I have even deleted the entire integration, restarted and configured everything again. In the end without success.

Hi Lars, I hope for you that after using HA for about 1y that you have positive experiences as well.
Have you tried to remove/add the integration again?

You could try to search here:

If your issue is not on that list, create a new issue there. It will be ssigned to the FritzBox devs :wink:

Hi Nick, yes, before I rewrote my question, I tested the deinstallation, restart and reinstallation with a new configuration. But this did not helped. That was the reason to ask again.

I found on GitHub an issue similar to mine, and some users have a different behavior when setting the integration into debug mode. I test this actual. But had restarted some times, so I am not sure if I had the same results. Will test some other days and give then feedback again.

Hi Lars,

I have the same problem with fritz!smarthome, installation doesn’t work.
The fritz! smarthome stopped working at the exact time when a thunderstorm passed us with lightning that probably struck nearby.
An IP CAM and a FRITZ!DECT 200 were also destroyed in the process. I will buy a new 7590AX.

Greetings Helmut

Hi Helmut, welcome to the forum!

Did the connection get interrupted because of physical damage by lightning or what?

Hi Nick,
now I have installed a new Frit box, and everything is working fine again.
The damage wasn’t a direct lightning, for that I’m sure, if so, I had more damaged.
At my hall I found no lightning strike, with one power cable and one network cable the hall is connected to the house. It must be the field strength of the lightning.
Now I will protect my backyard also.

So in your case losing connection had nothing to do with a logic/software issue but failing hardware…