Home Assistant Monthly Graphic

I hope this is the right area to post this request.

In the blog post 2024.7: Time to resize your cards! - Home Assistant has a graphic that I love to use for the Apps room of my Home Assistant. I put all entities related to Apps (Addons, HACS, and Integrations) only in its own room. For 2024.8 and 2024.9, in the blog, the YouTube video is at the top and not the monthly graphic. I think the YouTube video is better for this location; however, I would like to see one URL that has the updated graphic.

Is this a NEEDED feature? No.
Is this a feature I just want? Yes.

What I like to see is something like this:
https://www.home-assistant.io/images/currentversion.png” (just an example URL)

If not a URL, probably a RSS feed or something.

What is the point? NONE actually.

But as new versions are released, I would like to see the updated version graphic automatically show up in the Apps section of my dashboard.

I like to proudly display what version of Home Assistant (monthly only) that is installed on my machine. Instead of uploading a new one every month, simply add this one URL. The file “currentversion.png” is updated every month with whatever graphic you upload for that one month. It will be cool if this was done automatically. Just a thought. Some of you may think this is useless, but I think it will be cool.

That is all!!! Thank you. You guys are awesome!

You can most likely get this working right now using some template magic and scrape integration.

Scrap the Home Assistant blog, search for update blogs. Go to said update blog with another scrape sensor that points to the community post. Then use the download integration to get the image. Then create an image from the downloaded image as a generic camera.

EDIT: Nevermind, it’s much easier. Just create a template image using the update entity.

- image:
  - name: Home Assistant Graphic
    url: >
      {% set major, minor = state_attr('update.home_assistant_core_update', 'installed_version').split('.')[:2] | map('int') %}
      https://www.home-assistant.io/images/blog/{{ major }}-{{ '{0:02d}'.format(minor) }}/social.jpg
    availability: >
      {{ state_attr('update.home_assistant_core_update', 'installed_version') is not none }}