Home Assistant network problems on HyperV

I can get home assistant to install fine using the default switch on hyperv but whenever I try to set up home assistant using a new external switch the CLI throws back some IPv4 address that dosnt match my router. Also if I try typing that address in it will not load the page to initiate the setup. Does anyone know how to configure the network settings on hyperv?

Most setup of hypervisor software will run an internal network, which will have NAT configured in some way or another.
This is the reason why you see strange IP addresses, like ones starting with 172.29. or similar.
You then need to connect to the “public” IP address of that internal hypervisor network.

Got it. Can you link a tutorial on how to do that?

That may be true of some hypervisors, but I most definitely would not say MOST behave that way.

In fact, MOST hypervisors can be configured in bridge mode, and then there are others that have raw access to the hardware (think ESXi).

Since we don’t know what OS OP is trying to run hyper-v on, I think mentioning NAT is premature at best. Server versions of hyper-V hand out live IPs to VMs, I’m not sure about desktop versions.

It is on windows

Of course it is. Hyper-V only runs on Windows. But there are many different Windows operating systems. Which one?

Windows 10 pro

I’m assuming you figured this out by now, but in case anyone else ends up here like I did - the answer is to go into the Virtual Switch Manager in Hyper-V and create a new virtual switch with “External” as the type. Then go into your settings on the Home Assistant VM (with it powered down) and change your switch to use the new one you just created. Start it back up and you should be good to go.