Home Assistant new ProxMox install with Restore from Backup fails. (v2025.1)

I recently onboarded a Proxmox server, and so after watching the 2025.1 Release party issue, I thought I would give it a try at doing a Backup / Restore.

Steps taken:

*After it had been installed, I opened in my browser and was presented with an option with ‘RESTORE FROM BACKUP’

  • Exported from my backup on my RasPi
  • Moved my existing pi to a new IP. ( Renamed it with -old to make sure it didn’t conflict. )
  • Began the Restore, but it hung on the screen: Restore in progress
  • Going to the URL using the name it received form being restored, fails over http. Using https, it loads to https://homeassist.benandtoni.com:8123/lovelace but just shows ‘Loading Data’ and continually going to Retry Now.

The easiest solution I think at this point would be for me to destroy the VM and restart the automation, configure it and then restore what I’m missing. With that said, as this is a new feature, I was wondering if the information regarding what went wrong would be useful.

Things I have found:

  • Per the screenshot, and after investigating the media, the SSL files are not present.
  • The setup may also not have like its IP changing, as it was auto assigned an ip via DHCP, and then the restore would have changed its ip to a static address.

Are you trying to restore a backup made in an earlier different version? Elsewhere in these forums there are reports of problems restoring a backup made on 2024.12 into a system running 2025.01…

I upgraded the old instance to 2025.1 prior to making the export.

I ended up building the VM again, running through the same process.

This time, prior to coming online I made sure that the IP of the new machine matched the ip of the machine it was replacing. I then set it up as a new instance, installed the Let’s Encrypt SSL package. I’m not sure that I’m actually using it, but it was part of the steps that I was using before.

In the Let’s encrypt, I went to edit yaml and pasted in the yaml from the old machine.
I then installed the FTP addon, and uploaded my SSL files, renaming the files created by the Let’s Encrypt add-on.

Finally I downloaded the /config/homeassistant.yaml and added the lines:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/domain.cert.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/private.key.pem

After that, I went to backup and uploaded my previous backup, and selected to restore from it.
At first it seemed like it was doing the same thing, but as I had FTP enabled, I was able to collect the configuration from before and after the restore and confirm the files configuration files from backup matched.

I ended up rebooting the machine from the console. Upon reboot, I was able to login to it with the correct url and most of the resources were working. ]

I hadn’t yet moved my zWave stick from the old instance, so I manually moved that, and assigned it to the HaOS VM and then did a reboot of the whole ProxMox server and was able to communicate with my zWave devices.


A few things I found out:

  1. Even if Home Assistant was off, if I opened my browser to the URL, it would open and show the Loading Data / Retry Now. Based of this, I suspect that I was hitting a locally cached copy instead of the actual server, so I cleared the data for those urls.

  2. I think that even though HomeAssistant was configured for the new IP, my VM was not giving it the ip I requested, so when I tried to access it, I was getting the cached version from above.

  3. I wasn’t able to find the SSL files on the first attempt and there were multiple errors referencing it, hence the steps I took to manually put the files where they were expected.

Looks like the fix for this was released in 2025.3