I just installed HAOS VM by using the ttec-Script on Proxmox on an Intel NUC11PAHi3.
I would love to start by adding my 2 Switchbot Curtain 3 to HAOS.
It seems that this is only possible through the Switchbot Bluetooth Integration.
I wonder if I could use the built-in Bluetooth of the Intel NUC somehow?
I’d be strongly tempted to get an exp32 and flash an espHome Bluetooth proxy. no pass-thru problems and is likely more responsive. Also you can make sure the device is within Bluetooth range of the curtains.
Although I don’t use Proxmox, I do use QEMU/KVM/VirtManager (on Ubuntu) and passing through the NUC’s built-in Bluetooth (in my case using a AX201) is a bit challenging. In my case, I tried passing through the NUC’s internal Bluetooth USB alone but it didn’t work. I was eventually able to get it to work, but I also had to pass-through the NUC’s internal WiFi PCIe Controller as well (if interested, here is a write-up).
As the other posters suggested, a passing-through a Bluetooth USB stick or using a ESP Bluetooth Proxy would be easier.