Home Assistant Newbies - Help Us :)

Hello, we are new to home assistant we are leaving our current system (wink) to this and could use help setting up.

We are trying to currently setup Samba Share, Nest , and visual studio with no luck. We have read every article out there on how to type up the configs, but every time we hit start nothing happens. In the console we see an error that is 400 but can’t figure out what is causing it. This is what we have in our config file for Samba Share (do we need to add it to the yaml main hassio config?)

workgroup: WORKGROUP
username: SAMBAUSER
password: abcd
interface: wlan0

  • ._*
  • .DS_Store
  • Thumbs.db
  • icon?
  • .Trashes
    compatibility_mode: false

For Nest we are trying to use https://github.com/USA-RedDragon/badnest/blob/7ab48d968e1287a14df1beea02d7b04ebbef1a01/hacs.json but with no luck as well (does this configuration still work or nest is not working anymore with home assistant)

In regards to visual studio, it is telling us to start the add on and when we try and start the add on it does nothing.

Any help would be amazing, thank you

What is the URL that is returning the 400 status code? Have you looked at the logs of the addons?