Home Assistant not finding HomeSeer zwave dongle

Dongle does not seem to be recognized at all. I plugged it into my windows machine and upgraded the firmware, so I believe the dongle is good.

The zigbee device seems to work properly.

I have tried the homeseer device in usb 2 and 3 ports.

I’m running on a lenovo quart machine. Directly installed HACS, no virtual machines.

Any suggestions for next troubleshooting steps.

Isn’t the Z-Wave USB stick the second device listed, ttyUSB1?

When you say “HACS”, are you actually referring to Home Assistant? HACS is a community store (provided as integration), but doesn’t have anything related to Z-Wave.

Z-Wave is usually supported in HA using the Z-Wave integration, which is part of HA Core.

Changed the title to remove the HACS reference

Thanks, manually pointing the zwave integration to that port did the trick.