Home Assistant on Armbian Box with 8GB eMMC Running Out of Space, Unable to Upgrade

Am running a Armbian box on UNT403A which uses the S905l3a platform with 8GB eMMC.

Recently, after upgarding Armbian to the latest version, Home Assistant reported that there is a lack of space (<0.8GB) for upgrade.

Is adding storage via USB the only way to get around that?

If so, any recommendation? How about Sandisk Cruzer Fit (64GB Cruzer Fit USB Flash Drive | Western Digital)?


    _              _   ____  ___   ___  ____  _ _____
   / \   _ __ ___ | | / ___|/ _ \ / _ \| ___|| |___ /  __ _
  / _ \ | '_ ` _ \| | \___ \ (_) | | | |___ \| | |_ \ / _` |
 / ___ \| | | | | | |_ ___) \__, | |_| |___) | |___) | (_| |
/_/   \_\_| |_| |_|_(_)____/  /_/ \___/|____/|_|____/ \__,_|

Welcome to Armbian OS 25.2.0 Bookworm with Linux 6.1.121-merry-christmas

System load:   4%               Up time:       16:30
Memory usage:  34% of 1.89G     IP:  
CPU temp:      44°C             Usage of /:    89% of 6.6G
RX today:      4.4 GiB
root@armbian:~# ha core info
arch: aarch64
audio_input: null
audio_output: null
backups_exclude_database: false
boot: true
image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/odroid-n2-homeassistant
machine: odroid-n2
port: 8123
ssl: false
update_available: true
version: 2024.9.2
version_latest: 2024.12.5
watchdog: true

Reference: UNT403A 8GB eMMC, S905l3a, Not Enough Space to Upgrade Home Assistant · Issue #2718 · ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian

Never mind. I got a mini USB thumb drive. Formatted as ext4. Moved /var/lib/docker/ there. Added the partition to /etc/fstab so it’s automatically mounted during boot. Created a symlink (cause using the data-root parameter doesn’t seem to work). And called it a day.

Performance is certainly worse than using the internal eMMC. But it’s the simplest solution I can think of right now.


Reference: How to move docker data to another location