Home assistant on iOS

Hi, I recently switched to iOS after a long time with Android, and I’m having some issues with recreating my old functionality. I know I probably can’t get full functionality, but maybe there’s something I’m not aware of that can at least help a bit?

  1. Can the Home Assistant “actions” widgit on iOS change color based on the state of an entity? I really need a way to know the state of an entity for them to be useful. (Basically, I’m trying to recreate some of this)

  2. Is there a way to send REST commands to home assistant through e.g. Siri shortcuts (maybe an app on iOS that can be used to at least recreate some of the basic ways Tasker could automate HA stuff from the phone)?

Hi @Aephir,

from my experience, there isn’t a way at the moment but you could use a combination of the action button and using an app called scriptable in a widget.

A simple example of someone doing this is below to show temperature and humidity but you could use it for showing state.

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Cool, thanks, I’ll take a look at that approach!

Hi, are you aware that the IOS app has been updated?

Yep, but I didn’t see anything that should change whether widgets can report (e.g., change colors based on) states?