Home Assistant on QNAP

I installed the latest version 0.84.5 on Home Assistant on the QNAP NAS. I did not have any issues with the install, I am able to log into HA, but I don’t see the Hassio tab. How can I enable it?

Slightly Basic question, but how did you do this? I’ve installed it on my QNAP via container station and it’s only installed. Version 65 which is quite a few versions behind! Lol.
Did you download a package and install it manually?

Put quite simply there is no hassio tab on ANY other installation method aside from hassio. If you install home assistant in Python, or via docker without using hassio specific installation instructions, you won’t have a hassio tab, because you aren’t running hassio

search for home assistant under the create container page, go to the docker hub tab and use the install option from there. This will give you the option to install the latest version.