Home Assistant on Synology, how to access NAS nedia folder

I installed Home Assistant via Docker on my DS220+. My next step would be to access my /volume1/music share on the same machine within Home Assistant.
I read about docker compose or mount the folder at the terminal, both didn´t worked for me.

Is there any other way to integrate this share directly? At the Synology Docker Configuration Settings maybe?

I have on the NAS installed the Mediaserver, and on the HA side the DLNA Digital Media Server. The folder /volume1/music should be a “System default shared folder”. So you have all your music, photos and videos available in HA.

Read this:

Set this:

Get this:

Sure I can use DLNA but then I can’t use m3u Playlists.

Thank I read that already, but I don’t know what to do, so I always have to start the docker container via terminal with this code?

This method still works… :wink:

How are you currently starting your container? Via the terminal or via the DSM Docker UI?

Nope, does not work for me, media folder (media/audio) still empty

  mount_nas_folder: mkdir -p /media/audio;mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0,noserverino,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,domain=WORKGROUP //192.168.XXX.XXX/music/ /media/audio

I read it had to do with the Docker Container

I´m not a friend of the terminal, actual I´m using the DSM Docker UI

Then stop the container, edit it to add the /media volume as I highlighted above, and restart. Starting from this point:

  • Action / Stop (wait for it to stop: the Edit button will become available when done)
  • Edit
  • Volume settings
  • Add folder
  • Find your music folder: Select
  • Type /media in the mount path box, tick Read Only.
  • Save
  • Action / Start

Thank you very much!!! This is so simple and easy… Sorry for that dumb question…

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