Home Assistant operating system upgrade to 11.1 not happening. Containerd failed to start

My supervisor suggests to upgrade the Operating system from version 10.5 to 11.1. I am using Home Assistant for many years, all Operating System upgrades went without any issues, however this one is simply not happening.
10 minutes after having hit the install link, Home Assistant comes back online, but still with version 10.5. I can’t see any error or any indication that the upgrade failed, apart from the fact that the supervisor still suggests to upgrade to 11.1.

I am not sure from where to troubleshoot this. In the supervisor log, i can’t see anything noteworthy.
I’ve tried to upgrade a couple of times. Also just after a cold boot of my Intel NUC, but it doesn’t make a difference unfortunately.

Any suggestions were to start troubleshooting are really welcome!


I’ve connected a screen to my NUC. One or two minutes after i press the install button to upgrade my operating system from 10.5 to 11.1 my NUC reboots. During the booprocess the console is full with errors about the containerd container runtime (see screenshot i took from a recording with my phone). The box shuts down and tries to boot again. This again fails with the same containerd error. This process repeats itself 3 times until the 4th boot is actually succesfull (the upgrade didn’t took place).

Any idea? Hopefully someone can make sense out of this…

Same issue here.

There is a bug reported on github for this issue. Many others are experiencing the same. Maybe good to report there that you face the same issue:

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My issue is resolved. A few bad sectors on my SSD appeared to be the problem.
Replaced the SSD, that solved my issue.