Home Assistant OS 10: Better memory management and new board support

I’m not sure that my HA OS update causes the issue but since I upgraded to 10.0 the Node-Red addon stopped to work and I’m not able to restart it.
I made a rollbakk to earlier Core versions (4.4 and also 3.6) but it didn’t solved the issue, so the only change I made is the HA OS 10.

Bluetooth and everything related to it is completely dead in HAOS 10.0.
Verified by restarting bluetooth integration, works for 10 minutes or less, then dies.
It does not come back to life at any time.

RAM usage has also went from 1.9GB to 45GB due to the Bluetooth issue it seems.

I’d recommend this release be pulled as to not damage hardware / cause instability. This should have never made it to stable release.

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Did your bluetooth come back too? I don’t use motioneye at all but bluetooth is dead in this release. RAM usage seems to be caused by iBeacon integration due to the failing bluetooth integration.

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Agreed, this release should have never made it to stable/prod.
It’s broken.

Same issue here, Bluetooth on intel NUC, was solid before 10.0, now BlueTooth is not working, SwitchBot temp and door contact/motion sensors now not contactable. How do you downgrade the O/S, please?


Use terminal:
ha os update --version 9.5


Its easy to say that but these guys worked hard on the release, there were actually 4 release candidates before this and if those issues had come up they would have obviously looked into it before releasing to stable… Maybe more people should make an effort to participate on those release candidates and raise issues?

I’m just an user but as a rule of thumb I would recommend:

  • If your system is critical then you should not be installing mayor releases day 1, instead wait for feedback from other users that are willing to test first and have time to troubleshoot, if many problems are discovered then wait for patch releases…
  • Plan ahead before doing any mayor upgrade, do not do them if you’ll not have time to troubleshoot issues if/when they happen.

Finally, it is easy to roll back…


Many thanks! Back on 9.5 and now BT devices all working again!

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Bluetooth totally screwed up for me also (Intel NUC with reliable external USB Bluetooth). Thanks SamJWard for the command to revert back to 9.5

I ran this and it appeared to work but it still reports version 10 and I still have Bluetooth not working.

UPDATE: Ran it again it did revert to V9.5 and Bluetooth is back! I recommend waiting until v10. is patched/fixed.

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I’m experiencing this as well… Running HA in a Proxmox VM. After a VM reboot, EMQX seems to run for a bit (I can access its web interface for a short time), but then stops. If I try to restart it, it never starts back again. There is nothing tangible in the log - the last line says EMQX is running…

I understand, and I also noticed 4 RC’s before this hit stable. However, it took all of 3 seconds to find this issue. It also seems the way they’re accessing RAM is causing access denials for protected memory and therefor it’s causing corruption as well the longer you run the release.

This should have been caught in any of those RC’s, yet it wasn’t. That makes me doubt that any dev releases are being tested at all, maybe not enough testers. That doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard, and I apologize if that’s how it sounds because that’s not my intention.

Since this release has the ability to completely break hardware, not just software it should be pulled / it should have been yet another RC, but again that’s just my opinion. If it was just bluetooth, no worries, but the core problem is much more serious than a bluetooth issue.

/stable should = stable
/dev should = unstable/beta/alpha/“it will break things”

interesting, as with me I see drop on mem use: (though not using BT at this machine)

on another RPI3 instance with bluetooth, also no weird memory usage (though i dont have the history graph on that)

Sorry, i don’t use bluetooth anymore

@mostlychris @SubOrbit if you have v0.2.6 running, it should be fine with HAOS 10. What you are seeing then is something else. Can you maybe open an issue along with the log files in the EMQX add-on repository at Issues · hassio-addons/addon-emqx · GitHub?

HAOS uses a special boot flow to fallback to the previously installed OS in case of errors (A/B scheme). This requires our own boot loader U-Boot to be started directly.

Ubuntu does not have such recovery mechanism, and I assume they provide boot scripts which Petitboot starting from the on-board SPI ROM can read directly from the NVMe.

We’ve considered that option, but it would mean a departure from our boot scheme for that particular platform, which we rather prefer not to do…


According to analytics we had more than 1k users participating the RC phase (probably quite a bit more, since those are opt-in stats). Unfortunately, I had zero feedback/issues about Bluetooth issues. So either the problem is not that widespread, or the selection of people is just very very unlucky.

Should have, and I hope we will with you on board next time? :wink:

What “core problem” are you referring to?

The big question is, how do we get from /dev to /stable, when nobody tests? :thinking:


Is there a way to open a discord beta channel for the OS similar to the core Beta channel? I believe you will receive much better inputs from the users / testers if you do. I tested each of the RC releases and had no issues with any of them. I did have a restart issue with 10.0. Once any issue is found in the discord, a GitHub issue can then be created.

this fixed all my problems :slight_smile: Thanks

I think this build is indeed a little bit unlucky.
I have been on the RC and didn’t have any issues. As soon as I updated to the final release my system died because of the mentioned problems.
Yesterday i went back to 9.5 and my HA is back online now.

Did you try updating motionEye to 0.19.0 instead?