Home Assistant OS 10 update has broken my Pi 4b 4GB

So this evening I saw that a new OS v10 was released and decided to hit that update button. This is a decision that I now regret!

Home Assistant did not appear, so I waited an hour, still no Home Assistant. So I rebooted the Pi, waited a good amount of time … and no HA! Nothing!

I plugged in the HDMI cable into my TV and rebooted … not even one piece of text appearing on the screen, nothing!

I am running a Raspberry Pi 4b 4GB with an SSD plugged into USB3. My HA was flawless, now nothing, nada!

I even flashed my SSD with the latest HA image, still nothing at all. Generally when HA boots up, it shows a boot up text, etc … now it shows just a black screen!

So I flashed my SSD with HA 9.5 and voila! Just waiting for HA to do its thing and I can restore a backup to get back to where I was.

SO, word of warning, DO NOT upgrade to v10 of HA OS if you’re running a PI 4b 4GB. Something is very wrong!


Always BACKUP! before doing a major upgrade!

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That stinks. I am sorry to hear that. It is incredibly frustrating when things don’t work as expected.

Just to provide a counterpoint, I run HAOS on an 8GB Pi4 with an SSD and upgraded tonight with no issues.

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It’s borked my RPi 4b 8GB too (standard MicroSD) - I have it set to back up before all major updates (I think!) - now to find out how to do said backup…

Simply hard-restarted the Rpi and it’s loaded in OK…

This just happened to me as well. I am on the ODroid N2+. I do have a backup at least, but not sure how to use that yet.

I took the Core update, and after an hour or so noticed my HA was not running. I tried accessing it a few ways and it was still not there. I restarted it by unplugging it, but it still won’t show up.

I can see it via SSH, unfortunately it is not taking the SSH password I had set.

Is there any remedy aside from flashing my N2+ with a new HA install and restoring the backup?

Here no problems with same config… Rpi4 and ssd. Works.perfrft. Not even high cpu and memory usage. That was also some signals of.users…

This was done if you read the post.

Hi guys,

similar situation here, probably with a slightly different config.

I had my HA running natively from an NVME/CM4 setup (without any adapters). The upgrade to 10 failed too so I am wondering what options I have now.

What about these two ways?

Can I copy the /data partition to another computer (would use an USB to NVME adapter), install 9.5 and restore the /data partition from the earlier backup?


Does HA create a backup before doing an OS upgrade and is this backup being saved to the /data partition (I think so)? I could use same USB-NVME adapter to download the backup, do a 9.5 installation and restore from the backup - am I right?

By the way, GitHub is getting flooded with users reporting same issues - so don’t upgrade to 10 if you are using an NVME.

I had the same issue on a similar system. Saw this issue for over a year with 8.x updates.

If it is the same issue it effected a small group of Pi4 users with similar hardware. My fix was to do a shutdown and also power down my SSD. Restart the pi and then restart the SSD when I see “words” on my monitor. If no display Leave SSD unplugged, start the pi4, wait a couple of minutes, power off and power on all. There was a firmware change in the 10.0 release and maybe it is bringing back the issue?

Weird issue for me today… After updating to 10.0 my RPI4 B 4GB (external SSD in USB enclosure) will boot. Home Assistant is available for a short while and then stops responding.

If I continually ping the RPI4 IP address I will see it going offline for a while and then come up and respond again.

This is really weird issue. I have tried a different power supply as well but issue is the same.

Any ideas here?

I have same the problem and similar hardware (Raspberry Pi 4b 8GB with an SSD plugged into USB3).
Hassio is dead…
The latest backups is on the SSD…

backup failed when upgrading to 4.5 / oS 10 even though it was checked to backup, none was made and I had lots of changes over the last month so I:

  • ssh to ha host on 22222

Backed up my config directory under


cd /mnt/data/supervisor
tar -cvf haconfigbkup.tar.gz homeassistant

Restored the core backup I had from 3.6

ha backup restore blah blah

Moved the restored config directory out of the way

mv /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant homeassistant.old

Untar your config backup to replace the config folder you moved above

cd /mnt/data/supervisor
tar -xvf haconfigbkup.tar.gz .

Restore 9.5

ha os update --version 9.5

Wait for reboot. The database schema will downgrade and all that fun and you should be back to where you were before all this fun…

My HA instance basically would become available then supervisor seemed to boot loop the HA container, and then eventually supervisor would crash and the system would reboot. So much fun, system been up over two years and this was the first upgrade that made core flap continuously @Dunnlang I’m on an Odroid N2+(Blue) as well

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My system Rpi4 with SSD after update sits at 100% CPU usage constantly and temp with cooling are still through the roof. Maybe thats why people are having trouble? My Pi always sits around 4-5% prior

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My Odroid N2+ was hitting 100% as well, normally it sits in the 2-10% range, with spikes to 35% when a service demands momentarily. OS 10 had it pinned on full, for what? I’m not sure. Lol

arrrhhh some relief. Complete shutdown, power off, wait 1 min and reboot. Back to 3% CPU. Why i dont know. It was permanently at 100% CPU with uncontrollable Temps for hours. Many restarts with no effects.

what do the LED’s do, especially the red one? but also green is interesting

Exactly the same thing happend to me, also with a RPi4 & SSD.

Only had local backups on the SSD itself, are they possible to retrieve?

Hi there
Today I tried the update from OS 9.5 to 10.1.
Unfortunately without success :wink:
After around one hour I did a hard shutdown on my Raspi 4b/8GB.
I then connected a keyboard and monitor and can see that OS itself is coming up to a certain point.
I then tried: os update --version 9.5
Processing… Done.
Error: 'OSManager.update' blocked from execution, system is not running - CoreState.STARTUP

Update: 28. April 2023 21:33
I did a few reboots for whatever reason, and boom it worked again.

Update: 08. May 2023 17:57
At the end I went back to OS 9.5
I ran into out of memory.
System was hanging.
A realy bad expierience.
I wasn’t able to do the downgrade directly at me raspi. (I know that sounds strange )
What I did instead was a ssh-Connection.
Then the command “ha core stop”
Then the command “ha os update --version 9.5”
I do now some preparations to be able do have a solid backup
Then I wait at least for os 10.3 before I give it another try

Not sure if it is associated with OS 10 upgrade, but I am running on ProxMox 7.4/Hass.OS 10 on a new hardware (Hunsn RJ02 / 500GB SSD/ 32GB RAM) installed last week and I had HA stop responding a couple a times per day (and only that VM, the other containers (WireGuard/Icinga2) and VM (PfSense) on ProxMox were running smoothly)… I upgraded to 10.1 and now it seems to be stable for 18 hours… If problem persist, I will go back to OS9.5… Lesson learned: do not change too many things at the same time as the problem could come from ProxMox 7.4 (was running 7.3 before), new hardware (moved from NUC to Hunsn), new OS (upgraded from 9.5 to 10.0 and now to 10.1)…

Stay tuned… :slight_smile:

update: HA is now running in OS10.1 for 1 day and 14h without any problems… Just to complete my answer, I followed what @mickandkez did: I stopped completely the VM machine running home assistant (but kept the other VM and containers running as well as ProxMox), wait a couple of seconds and started the virtual machine… Stable since than… The VM is now using around 4% of CPU.

Update 2: after a week without problems, I had two crashes in a couple of hours (seems due to kernel problem in Linux (asm_exec_page_fault) based on the console logs)… I downgraded to Hass.OS 9.5… and see if problem persists… If it persists, I will reinstall the VM from scratch and download a backup… More to come…

Fortunately I have no problems with the Yellow Box, but I know that anything can go wrong any time.
I make back-ups every two days, both on the Yellow Box and on my Google Drive, and also every time I make a significant change in my HA configuration.

I still have my old RPi 3 but keep it offline. After reading of your issues, I decided to temporarily disconnect the Yellow Box and reconnect the Rpi.

At first it took 30 to 45 minutes to update HA and then another 30 minutes to restore the latest backup (made by the Yellow Box). None of my Zwave devices work but that make perfect sense as I did not move the Zooz 800 dongle to the RPi3, which has a Zooz 700 dongle. However everything else works on the RPi. I assume that should the Yellow Box fail any time, I can move the Zooz 800 dongle and Zwave should then come back.

This gives me some assurance as there is no technical support with HA, like the superb support I have with the Universal Devices IoX (Polisy/eisy).