Home Assistant OS automatically deleting files?

Is it my imagination, or is Home Assistant OS automatically deleting/purging files in the /root directory ? As I’m a fan of having a few small convenient scripts sitting around in the CLI for Home Assistant OS, just looking to make sure I put them in the right place.

I suspect you’ll find that /root is inside the container. That means that when a new container is pulled the contents are gone.

Anything you want to keep needs to go in a volume, such as /config.

ohhh, didn’t think about that ! So when using the “Terminal” plugin (or logging in via port 22), I’m really inside this container ?

But /config within that container is really mapped from the actual VM, so will persist ?

Yes, and yes.

Each add-on is a separate container, as you can see. They will (probably) have one or more mounts/volumes that store their persistent data and configuration.