Home Assistant Overview page : disappearance of the three dots

Hi, I have noticed bizarre behavior for some time… the three dots of the HA overview page have disappear, so impossible to access to the “Configure UI”. Any idea ?

Could be due to the theme you are using. Did you check if you see the three dots when you change to the default theme?

Or press ctrl-f5 to clear your browser cache.

Yes i did. I used also the default theme and the pb remains

It doesn’t fix the pb… I used different browsers (Firefox, chrome, …) : same behavior

Do you have custom header installed?

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Yes i have :wink: . I notice that the version is not updated… Ooops…

Updating is always good.

If the probem is custom header, then there is a way to bypass it. See https://maykar.github.io/custom-header/#intro/notes

Thanks a lot nickrout. As explained on the maykar github, placing *?disable_ch* at the end of the URL is a good solution :thinking:

Now you can fix it :slight_smile:

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updating is an ever better solution…

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