Hello all! I am new to Home Assistant and trying to setup a Matter server to which I can connect a Python client. I have tried two approaches. Building Matter and also the Home Assistant python-matter-server package via pip.
The latter approach seems to be the most direct but is missing chip. exceptions, which cannot be found for installation by pip.
I am not certain how to proceed from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’m far from an expert in these topics, but I use the python-matter-server as a docker image and, checking out the Dockerfile in that repo, it appears the chip provider app is copied into the image instead of being installed by pip. Take a closer look at the repo for the chip provider for more info on what HA is doing to build that binary.
If you move this topic to the Matter-Thread category one of the devs of that repo may see it and have a more specific answer for you.