Home assistant Recovery


Could someone help me to recover the installation of Home Assistant on my RPI ?
I am new on Hassio and I started to create my domotic hub 5 months ago.
My RPI Hassio has stopped to work suddenly …I switched off the board and restarted but the Hassio doesn’t boot. I connected to RPI via HDMI and this is the screenshot and the last line where HASSOS stops : Bluetooth :BNEP socket layer initialized.

In attached you can find the screenshot of HASSOS shell. I tried also to understand how to interact with HASSOS but I didn’t find a way to recover the situation.

Do I need to reinstall from scratch home assistant ?
I do not have a fresh backup! :frowning:
Thanks alot for your help

Probably a corrupt SD card. You could try to put the SD card in a Windows machine and use ‘Diskinternals Linux Reader’ to copy the config folder off the SD card. Then after a new install you can restore that folder.

Thanks Francis, :grinning:
You have saved me days of works for tuning all the devices configuration and scripts :star_struck:
I saved supervisor folder in the data1 partition . It contains all the yaml files. I didn’t find the ‘config’ folder.
Is it correct?

The config folder is normally a hidden folder.

Hi Francis,
thanks alot again.
after your hints I saved all the folders of corrupted SD card and I have reinstalled from scratch Home Assistant.
I copied the configuration.yaml file and the other *.yaml files.
I installed the previous addons included the duckdns for the remote secure navigation.
All the stuff now works excluding remote navigation via https:\mydomain.duckdns.org… If I use the url http:\mydomain.duckdns.org I can see my homeassistant page but no if I use the url https:\…
I used the same configuration parameters … I tried also to create new duckdns domain but the behaviour is the same :frowning:
Any suggestion?
Thx Pasquale

I have the same problem. I am unable to find my configuration.yaml files. I only see hex files when i go into the folders. I am only interested in my configuration files to rebuild home assistant. Can someone please tel me where to find this files on sd card.I am using DiskInternals Linux reader.