Home Assistant reports device is unavailable

I have a Tasmotized device that shows up as occasionally unavailable for short intervals in HA. I’m using the Tasmota integration and the device shows RSSI strength at 96%.

HA 2023.12.3 itself is running on a wired server. Tasmota on the Wyze Outdoor Plug is 12.5.0

Any ideas why this might be happening? I don’t have a wired Tasmota device (assuming such a thing exists!) so that I could tell whether this is related to WiFi or something in HA itself.


Maybe the device sleeps? What is it?

If HA shows it’s unavailable that means HA tried to connect and couldn’t. I would expect problems to be device side if there is no other device affected

Some are plugs and others are switches.

Before I move to unifi, every time I use microwave WiFi would drop on some devices. Any environmental factor?

You may be able to look at router and see connection up time. This may give idea if devices are dropping off network.