Home Assistant Resources

I’ve just installed a fresh copy of HASS IO and hoping to start creating a few automations. However, I’m relatively new to Home Assistant and trying to find my way around.

The AUTOMATION BASICS section is a great outline the flow of how to create automations.

And resources like the COOKBOOK page are great for examples.

However, what’s really holding me back at the moment is not know how to discover what all the options are for the different triggers, conditions, and actions. As an example, one of the available Sun trigger events seems to be “sunset” (as stated here https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sun/). That’s very cool. How do I discover what other events are supported. I can guess that there is also a “sunrise” but is there an “equinox” or some other cool ones? How do I go about discovering what’s currently supported?

As a real example, I have IKEA Tradfri equipment. I want to detect events from the motion sensor. I’ve discovered this page (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/tradfri/) and this one on sensors, listed in the sidebar, but neither lists supported trigger events. Am I looking in the wrong place?

If the answer includes, “look through the code”, that’s fine. What’s the best way to find the code files that handle Tradfri sensor events?

I really like what Home Assistant is becoming and I’d like to jump in with both feet. I’m just having trouble finding my way around at the moment.

Thanks for any help.


Exact same situation here - totally new to the platform and having exactly same questions. Did you by any chance figure it all out?

I think the lack of a “reference guide” is a significant issue.
I’ve been using HA for years now and I often have to go searching for examples hoping to find the values I can use since they’re not all listed anywhere… AFAIK.

I would love to see an automatically-generated reference guide that showed the available conditions, etc. Something that doesn’t depend on people keeping it up to date, but is an accurate reflection of what’s in the code.


I’ll post mine too

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Some of my favorites…


A post was split to a new topic: Zigbee USB dongle

Thanks tomduijf

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Mine is available here: https://github.com/allanpersson/home-assistant-config

Here is mine… Still learning also:

Hello there.
I have an asustor Nas device in my house. After researching, I was able to install the Home Asisstant application on the Docker application. I have not had a problem so far.
But I couldn’t open the configuration.yaml file. :frowning:
I couldn’t find where and how. I will be glad if you help me.

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I’m trying to make the most newbie friendly repo with links and references to everything in use. Still a work in progress (currently working on my automations), but the frontend documentation is pretty complete.


Sorry guys, does anyone know how the “calendar” entity and integration works? I’ve installed the garbage collection integration from Hacs and I’ve found on my side bar the calendar with the entity but I’ve found any description about it, or it’s better to say that the page of calendar integration in hassio doc says properly nothing. Thanks in advance

Thank You!

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Here is mine :revolving_hearts:

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Excellent resource thankyou! Love the applications available. All very relevant and things that we can integrate as well.
Home Automation Auckland

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Adding my configuration as a resource, too. Hope it inspires someone!

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I am looking for resources on how to run Home Assistant without spending too much time to maintain it. Ideally it would be “setup and forget” but I guess it’s not possible. So I am trying to collect some tips to minimize the time and effort required to maintain a HA instance once it’s been properly setup.

Thank you in advance for any hint.

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Any resources for IR control and sending IR commands? Thanks

You need to set up Google developer account for it to work.
I use it for my trash days notifications

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