Home Assistant Resources

Sorry guys, does anyone know how the “calendar” entity and integration works? I’ve installed the garbage collection integration from Hacs and I’ve found on my side bar the calendar with the entity but I’ve found any description about it, or it’s better to say that the page of calendar integration in hassio doc says properly nothing. Thanks in advance

Thank You!

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Here is mine :revolving_hearts:

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Excellent resource thankyou! Love the applications available. All very relevant and things that we can integrate as well.
Home Automation Auckland

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Adding my configuration as a resource, too. Hope it inspires someone!

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I am looking for resources on how to run Home Assistant without spending too much time to maintain it. Ideally it would be “setup and forget” but I guess it’s not possible. So I am trying to collect some tips to minimize the time and effort required to maintain a HA instance once it’s been properly setup.

Thank you in advance for any hint.

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Any resources for IR control and sending IR commands? Thanks

You need to set up Google developer account for it to work.
I use it for my trash days notifications

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