Home assistant restarts itself every few minutes


every few minutes, my home assistant restarts itself.

[13:08:28] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process exit code 256e[0m
[13:08:28] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process received signal 11e[0m
[13:08:28] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process exit code 256e[0m
[13:08:28] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process received signal 11e[0m
[13:05:36] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process received signal 11e[0m
[13:05:36] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process exit code 256e[0m
[13:00:11] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process received signal 11e[0m
[13:00:11] INFO: e[32mHome Assistant Core finish process exit code 256e[0m

It’s been going since I updated my docker image from 2024.6 to 2024.9.3. (not the brightest idea, it broke almost all my config and locked me out of the system, I had to manually add users again).

Anyway, I cannot find something else in the logs, how can I debug it further?

Are you running this on a pi ? Feels like a power issue to me.

No, I’m running on a regular old server. It does not seem to be quite loaded…

I downgraded to image version 2024.8.3 and it seems like this version is not affected… I’ll keep you posted.

Is that load whilst HA is pretty idle ? That seems high, unless the server is VERY old.
I’m idling around 3% CPU. and a load value of about 0.05

Sorry if it wasn’t clear, HA is not the only thing running, here is the info for the HA container

Hi fibane,
You might have an integration that is not behaving.
Most all of those have been fixes at this point, so if you update all of those, you may be OK.
This link if you want to find out exactly.:
2024.5+: Tracking down instability issues caused by integrations.

If you are running it as a container on a server: can’t you switch back using a backup?

Thanks, I’ll try running in debug for a while

Yes, however it seems that I’m missing some files inside the backup, thus it’s incomplete. Anyway I recovered almost everything now. Just this bug about the restarts…

Well, this might be a good occasion to review your backup strategy.

I use both an HA backup via this addon:-

And a VM backup via proxmox.

Thanks for the suggestion. As far as I understand it, it needs home assistant to run in supervised mode, but I run it in docker…

Ah ofc. I guess just backing up the container should be good enough.

You know that using 2 condoms isn’t safer! :upside_down_face:

A backup strategy also consists of testing if it works.
Sadly enough, in some cases - even experienced this in professional environments - it’s afterwards that it becomes clear that the backups are no good.

Lol… I had the google backup implemented (and tested!) long before I moved to proxmox, so the VM backup kinda came for free :slight_smile: